Monday, September 7, 2009

Madden 09 Wii

Ok so here is the deal, this game is the third in a series of madden wii games that are almost exactly the same. Now I do understand that Madden changes very little from year to year but playing the wii version makes the game feel even more stale. The visuals are of course very uninspiring, but I can see what EA is doing with trying to go for a different style to compensate for the wii's shortfalls in the graphics department. Sure the controls are fun when you are playing for the first time, they can make you feel immersed in the game, but they really aren't all that realistic and sometimes really hinder the game. Especially when you try to throw to one receiver and the QB ends up throwing to another guy and it gets intercepted.

The game does have great modes like franchise, Superstar, and the surprisingly fun 5 on 5 mode. The game also has online play, but the games are usually so slow that none of your motions match what the players do leading to a very frustrating experience. There is also an error in the game in practice mode, if you are on defense and intercept a pass the game goes to the celebration mode (which also gets to be really boring) and then freezes. This error is especially bad in superstar mode when you have a defensive player and you just want to practice with your team, The game freezes and you lose whatever you didn't save. Don't get me wrong I still play this game all the time, but it has quite a number of problems, if you have a wii and you like football you're almost forced to get it

Monday, August 31, 2009

God of War I and II will be Gods once more.

With the highly anticipated God of War III coming out next year, why not make something for the fan's? Sony announced that this holiday season, God of War I&II, two of the highest rated and acknowledged Ps2 games, will be coming to PS3 on a single blu-ray disc.

This isn't just a port either. These versions will have smoother graphics running at 720p and will be running at a steady 60fps. While these features are awesome to hear, it gets better. The compilation is gonna cost around $40 bucks which is great news! While I own the first GoW, I never actually completed it. I might pick this up, considering the price point and what it's offering.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

MLB 2K9 Wii

Let me just say a few words about MLB 2K9 for Wii: huge disappointment. I bought this game when it was released because I wanted to have a real baseball game for the wii. Boy was I in for a big surprise when I put it in the system. It started out for me with the graphics, while I wasn't expecting much I at least thought the players would look somewhat human. For example, there is no distinguishing line between uniforms, the player and the player's hair.

The controls meanwhile are just disgusting, sure it is fun to throw the ball and swing it, but the motions by far do not match your own leading to an overall frustrating experience. Im sure you could find some things that are fun, especially sine this game offers a few more modes than the bigs, without the cartoony graphics of Power Pros but in terms of bang for your buck this game is a truck load of crap. If you didn't get the subtle hints I suggest not getting this game, but if you do don't expect too much from this port that looks like little time was spent making it.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

'Splosion Man Review

You love those first few Sonic games that were fast and not at all bloated? You love explosions (Who am I kidding, of course you do)? Well both of those are what you get when you play XBLA's 'Splosion Man.

'Splosion Man doesn't really have a story. Basically you are a science experiment that gets loose and have the ability to explode (hence the name) on command. Game play is one of the freshest anyone has seen in a long time. It is a 2-D platformer but has an interesting twist. To get higher, you don't jump, you explode. You can explode 3 times before you have to recharge. Recharging usual is done by landing and waiting but sometimes you will find explosive barrels or fire shooting out of a wall that will help you recharge without landing thus making you fly through levels.

Now this sounds good but where this game shines is in level design. Some levels are meant for you to run through really fast while others are puzzle like where you have to eliminate scientists to get to other areas. What is also icing on the cake is... well cake. Every level has a cake in it that is usual in a weird spot but some you have to get to fast before scientists lock off the area. Although these cakes are not needed to beat the level, they do add a nice bonus to your end of level score. The game has 50 single player levels, 47 have cakes leaving the other 3 levels bosses. There is also another set of 47 cakes that can be collected in CO-OP mode with up to 4 players but I haven't played that yet.

Now just these here makes this game worth buying, but there are still 2 more things. First is how “Splosion Man” has personality. Sometimes where you are running he will spread his arms out and start acting like an airplane while making engine sounds and other times he will act like monkey and make those sounds to. When waiting for platforms, he may take out balls and start juggling and other times he will just start making random quotes. One of my favorites he says is “Get to the Chopper.” The final thing is that every level has a score based on things destroyed, cake collected, and time which is them compared with everyone on the Leader Boards. This makes this game have a lot of replay value.

Bottom line is that this game costs $10 and for what you get is actually about $25 at least of content. There is no reason for any platform lover not to get this game as long as you have the XBOX 360.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Policenauts have landed...well the English translatation has anyways...

Hideo Kojima is best known for his work on Metal Gear Solid. While the Metal Gear series is great, it's somewhat of a shame that it overshadows most of the games that has Hideos name plastered on it. Hideo Kojima was also responsible in creating games such as Zone of the Enders, Snatcher and new (WIP) Castlevania. However one game that never made it out of Japan was Polienauts. Policenauts is suppose to be a great game and a "spiritual successor" to Snatcher. While the game never made it overseas "offically" that didn't stop fans from trying to translate the entire game.

As of yesterday,, finally completed their full english text translation of the game. To play it, you'll be required to rip an iso of the original 2 CD's and throw the ISO's into into their patcher. Easy no? It's a shame that the game costs $50.00 almost everywhere you look for it. I won't be suprised if people try doing evil deeds to get it. (i.e pirating)

Either way im definitely gonna grab a copy of this game off ebay. Afterall it must be good if people can create so much hype over a game that didn't release anywhere else except Japan.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Vitality Sensor Probably Won't Calm You Down

Ever since the Wii Vitality Sensor was announced, people have been wondering what it was used for. Nintendo finally gave us more information on what it is for and it still makes no sense.

In a Q&A with Nintendo about a week back, Satoru Iwata talked about the Wii Vitality Sensor as being used to calm people down. You would put your finger in the sensor and it would help you determine when your anxisous or stressed and play music and video that would help calm you down. It would also help calm you down if you are having trouble sleeping and figure out when you will be anxious for the weekend.

Game? No this is no game. The entire explanation of this device really sounds like a combination of hypnotist, therapists, and doctor or even simpler, a nice hour of just listening to music. This seems really pointless to the average person. “When I'm stressed out, I'm going to turn on a gaming system and just sit there and do nothing” does not seem like a very appealing response. The Vitality Sensor seems like a horrible idea and this adds more to the impression that Nintendo didn't build a gaming system but an all around “life style” box that sits near your TV. Great Marketing Nintendo.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Star wars: The force unleashed Wii

This is one of those cases of don't believe everything you hear. This game is genuinely fun to play and it has a great story. The game looks like it could be a movie and seeing as Hayden Christenson is not in this, it is a step up from episodes one and two. The story takes place some time after episode 3 when Darth Vader takes a secret apprentice in hopes of taking down the emperor. The story takes many unexpected turns that set the stage for episode 4 and will make any star wars fan cream themselves in excitement.

The story is only strengthened by the entertaining gameplay supplied by the wii's motion controls. I mean really who wouldn't be entertained by waving their wii controller like a light saber and seeing the character respond. There are other powers that you unlock throughout the game that make you more powerful and the game more enjoyable. The addition of hidden collectable and customizable makes for fair replay value, but I think that you would want to replay this game just because it is awesome. The game also includes a multiplayer lightsaber duel which I have not had the chance to play but I suspect this mode only adds to the fun

The graphics suck

That is all

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Problems with the XBOX360 Elite

With the XBOX360 Pro being phased out and the Elite dropping $100 in price, how could there be any negative in this move?

Well many Gamestops are reporting that the new “Elite” package will not include an HDMI cable, and a few of those stores are also saying there will be no Component cables in the package. Just a crappy bunch of Composite cables will in your purchase.

This is an awful move on Microsoft's part. One great reason to buy the Elite in the first place is because it came with the HDMI cable. Even though you can buy an HDMI cable online for about $10, its the fact that the cable came with it and that you didn't have to go out of your way to buy another one, and in most cases wait for it to be shipped.

Also with the rumor that there will not be any Component cable either, this means that you will only be able to play your XBOX360 at 480i out of the box. Not to mention that the Component cables are extremely proprietary, the only place you really would be able to get them new is from Microsoft themself. Buying them straight from the source is probably going to be expensive, and some people only have Component cables on their TV and not HDMI, which means in some cases it will actually be more expensive to play on a lesser definition. It's basically like charging you for owning a TV that is higher than SD.

Although the new Elite will be only $300, the only differences from this and the old “Pro” are that the Elite comes with 120gb hard drive instead of a 60gb one and that the Pro came with Component cables. This seems like a downgrade considering how cheap hard drives are nowadays. This doesn't seem like a smart move for Microsoft considering how much they have been pushing HD content.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sony finally unveils The Slim along with a slew of Awesome

Sony came to Gamescon and unveiled the highly anticipated Playstation 3 Slim with 120gb hdd along with a nifty $300 price tag. Sony said that it is lighter, smaller and less power hungry than current models, it is also losing it's ties with the ability to install another OS on the system, which isn't exactly a huge lose considering the support for it doesn't seem to be there. Sony said that it will be released in September.

Sony also announced 3.00 firmware for the PS3. The firmware is going to give the XMB a much need facelift along with a few new thing's like dynamic themes, which gives new life to the already simple menu system.

In PSP news, Marvel is teaming up with Sony to release comics for the PSP, which is a perfect media for the system. It's also getting "Minis". Mini's are games under 100mb and will most likely be priced under $10 bucks.

It appears that Sony is creating a price friendly environment now which is something it has needed. Sony is gonna need to play some much needed catch up.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Price Cuts Aren't Coming to Nintendo

Nintendo can be a persistent bunch when it comes to marketing and pricing of the Wii. First they praise it for its innovation, which it definitely has. They price it below all competitors at launch. They have been rumored as to holding back production and not meeting demand to make its appeal higher and harder to get while maintaining it success over time and not dying in one hit. They announce that it now takes $50 less to make. The final straw was when they announced no price cut and they will keep the price at $250.

What is wrong with this?

-Nintendo is almost 3 years into the Wii life cycle and hasn't had a price cut. All the other ones have had at least 1, sometimes 2.

-Next is that Nintendo is the only one making profit on every one of their consoles sold. They started out making around $4-$6 on every console and now that it costs less to make so they're getting about $55 on every console. The other companies had to sell a lot more to make a profit and Sony has made nothing selling consoles. Nintendo doesn't have a loss to make up so there is no reason to keep the price the same.

-For most people, the Wii was something to play every now and then, mostly at someones house, and was really and impulse buy to those who don't game a lot. With the Wii being out for almost 3 years now, the market is almost saturated for people who are going to pay $250 for something they won't use all the time. Also with the economy they way it is, people are less likely to buy something that $250 that they can buy at a friends house.

-Information about Sony's PS3 got leaked this weak stating that it only costs them around $240 to make a PS3. With the power in that, Nintendo should have no problem making their system for between $100-$125.

With all these reasons, there is no excuse for Nintendo to not drop the price. I think it would be beneficial for Nintendo to drop the price to $200 or even better, $150, to sell more Wii's. Nintendo really started the idea of selling the console at a loss and make money on the games with the NES and this seems to be the exact opposite of what they used to do. Selling the console at a loss makes more people buy them because the price will be really cheap and then they will be enticed to buy games, which is where Nintendo should make their money.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monster Hunter Tri (3) finally coming to US and EU!

Well it's about time we got a date. Early 2010, Wii owners will get a piece of Campcom's Monster Hunter. While I am still kinda disappointed with the Capcom's decision to make the game on the Wii rather than the PS3, I have to say Monster Hunter Tri look's like it's pumping some of the best graphics the Wii has to offer which is a good thing (is reminded of crappy shovel-ware >_<)

This game is probably the next big title the Wii owners can start looking foreword and is enough of a reason for me to finally get a Wii. I want to use my longsword!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are Video Game Movie Adaptions Going Too Far?

There have been a number of movie adaptions from video games over the years. Two come to mind quickly, the Resident Evil Trilogy and the infamous Super Mario Bros. Movie. But lately there seems to be a lot of movies in production.
A couple years ago there was a rumored Halo movie in production but because of disputes between the director and the movie company, that never happened. Last week it was announced that a anime-ish style of Halo was in production, being directed by the same person who was apart of Ghost In A Shell, and a trailer of the upcoming adaption to prove it. Then there is the announcement that the Bioshock movie got put on hold, possible due to funding. Remember Astroids, that arcade game in which you have a 5 pixel ship shooting 10 pixel amoeba-looking things that break when you hit them? Well thats a getting a movie deal, too. Don't ask me how, that is beyond me because it seems like everyone wants a quick buck these days.
I personal think the only video game series that should get a movie deal is the Half-life series because it has a great story, great cast of characters, and some intense scenes. Even though I think it's the only one that should get a movie, I don't want it to happen because video games or a more interactive than movies and making something interactive to something you watch is taking it a step down. Plus I pride myself knowing a video game with more depth in the storyline and action than most movies have had in decades.

But I honestly don't know whats worse, movies being made from video games or video games being made from movies. I think everyone can agree that every Harry Potter video game has less excitement than a fat kid sitting on a couch sleeping with a bag of potato chips just resting on his chest.
Not to mention every video game that has come from a movie that wasn't even filled with action or a decent story line. I think the really problem is that video games have a larger cast of characters and more depth and dimensions than a movie and making a video game from them either becomes a pile of boring crap or to much work to fill in the gaps. Now the Matrix had it right. They created a video game, Enter The Matrix, that actually took place before, during, and after the Matrix Reloaded (the second one in the series). What made it more interesting is that the game followed characters who were less important in the movie but still entered at the right moment and playing through the game allowed you to see how they got at the spot just in time. The reason I'm covering video game adaptions from movies is because of the unbelievable news of the Twilight MMORPG. And if you don't believe me, click here. Not only is this probably the worst adaptions I have ever seen, but I think it's the wrong adaption. The people I know that love Twilight are either too young to even understand what a MMORPG is or they only use a computer to check email and Facebook. Although, there will be those exception I think the target audience won't find this as enjoyable as the developers will want it to be.

Netflix On Other Systems

According to a Gamespot article, Netflix has hired a new person for the title of “Head of Gaming Platforms.” John Judge, the newly hired, was offered a job by Netflix and it is assumed he will be leading the project of getting Netflix onto the remaining two consoles. Based on his background, as being the co-founder of a company that went on to help develop the Wii Motion Plus and the Sony Motion Controller, Netflix wants him for his background.

But does Netflix really need to be on the other two platforms? It doesn't seem that there are enough people that own a PS3 that it would be worth at this point in time and the internet on the Wii is spotty at best. Not to mention that the type of person that spends most of there time in the front of the TV with all their media ready at hand is usual the XBOX 360. Although the PS3 has more media capabilities than the other two, people that own the PS3 don't seem the type to be spending all day in front of it.

Monday, July 27, 2009

New Ratchet and Clank Weapon

While I never have played the Ratchet and Clank series for very long, (when I still mean to mind you), I have always been infatuated by the amount of ridiculous weaponry the guys at Insomniac have been able to cough up for the popular platforming franchise.

Insomniac at Comic Con felt that it was necessary to reveal one of the new weapons for their upcoming title, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Is the Wii Losing This Generation?

Chances are, you have played a Wii. Many people have played a Wii, many own one. That's exactly what Nintendo wants. The entire point of making the Wii was to get people who weren't interested in gaming, interested. And all although they made a lot money from this, it will be their downfall is they make changes.

The Wii was aimed at casual gamers, people who didn't play games a lot or ever. And while people bought Wii's and loved them, it still remains the fact that they are casual gamers. They don't play games a lot and this is what plagues the Wii. The most sold game for the Wii is WiiSports. The second is WiiPlay. Do you know why? WiiSports comes with the system and WiiPlay comes with a Wii Remote while also coming with nine mini-games in the same WiiSports style. Most people that own a Wii that are casual gamers won't get old of these games and won't buy anymore games because they don't play often. The Wii maybe the cheapest of the systems but it won't keep these casual gamers buying games week after week and the lack of quality games doesn't help Nintendo.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The End of Music Games?

An article on Slashdot talks about how the music genre is on the decline. There are no music games in the top 20 sold games in the past two months. Also revenue for these games are down almost 50%.

I think the reason for this that the market was quickly saturated plus the quick start with the songs available. With so many songs available from the beginning, people were able to buy a lot of the songs they wanted to really quickly. With the amounts of songs available and the length of time these types of games have been, it's no wonder that the market is saturated and profits are dipping. There will always be that following of people who love these games, but with the lack of innovation on the developers parts, these games seem to have hit their high point and probably won't see anymore major growth.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Possible Change in Valve's Business model Not Too Far in the Future?

Gabe Newall, Valve Founder, speaks about his past and how Valve became to be in this interview, but that's not all. Specifically towards the end of the interview he speaks about the development of games. He see's a future where the community/gamers pay the developers to make a game rather than just the publishers. This would mean if you like the idea/development of a game you would have the option of spending maybe like 30 bucks and "part" of the game is kinda yours in a sense. It's an interesting marketing theory and with the success with Valve's Steam and it's steady release of Indie games that you never have heard of, it doesn't seem to far fetched for Valve to attempt to try this business model. There are millions of gamers out there. All with their specific likes and taste, and the idea of feeding those likes and taste with "development money" just seems like a Win Win situation.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Is Violence Required

A story running over at CNET is asking the question "Is Violence Required to Make a Good Video Game?" The person interviewed in the article said its not and no one has really tried to it. Also in the article is a link to a list of non-violent video games.

I agree with this article. Set aside puzzle games, like Tetris and Minsweeper, and music games, like Guitar Hero and Rock Band, there aren't many games left let alone popular ones. Off the top of my head I can only think of Katamari and Rhythm Heaven.

Now some might be thinking about the Mario series, but then you have to take in question what violence is. If violence is only when blood shows, they Mario, Zelda, and a handful of other games are non-violent. But if it's any act that involves inflicting damage, then if include a lot more including Wii Sports for the Boxing aspect of it.

What do you think should be considered non-violent? Is violence nessecary for a good game?Send us an email at

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Brutal Legend

This is not a game review of any kind, it is merely me raving about this game.

How many games do you know that have celebrities as voice actors, well this one has at least three: Jack Black (the main character) Ozzy and Dio. The plot of the story goes something like this; a modern day metalhead is transported to the land of metal where he finds that his guitar has special powers. He must use his guitar along with a special axe he finds to survive in this strange new world. Now this would normally be epic by itself, but with Jack Black as the main character it raises the game to new highs. the visuals are ripped straight from the covers of metal albums, and let me just say are of a quality that far surpasses many other games. This game should draw heavily from the metal crowd, but I think if people actually watch the trailer, they will be wowed as well. This game of course will not be on the Wii, and because that is my console of choice I can only stare in amazement at this epic game.

It is set to release on October 13th on the Xbox 360 and the PS3

Play Station May Not Price Drop

Sony has pretty much now stated that there will be no price drop coming this year for the Play Station 3. So those of you who were happy to hear that they were, this doesn't seem like it's going to be a reality this time around.

This in itself has already hurt PS3 sales, and by no price drops, this is going to stay the same most likely. There is still the possibilty of it still happening, but I just wanted to let everyone know that there has been rumors and some verified accounts that Sony said this isn't happening.

Right now, you can buy PS3s for $399 + from direct sellers. The thing, however, is that you also have to take into consideration the GAMES are about $50 bucks each, which makes it difficult for people who want PS3s. A lot of people also just buy PS3s for their multimedia capabilities more than for game play (states someone on the Playstation forums).

Whether the PS3's price drops or not, the ratings still stand that the Play Station 3 is still in 3rd place in these "next gen systems" and they either need to so something drastic (like a price cut) or seriously come out with something worth buying this thing for if they're going to get any decent money out of it.

There is hope with the new PS3 Slim (supposedly coming out very soon, as I stated before) that the prices will drop and there will be new firmware for the system.

Only time will tell.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Scribblenauts is a Little More Disturbing Than We Think

Scribblenauts is a game coming out in September with an interesting twist of originality. It's a puzzle game in which to solve the puzzle or get to a new part of the level, you use the Nintendo DS touch screen to write in a word, and it comes to life in the game. So if you type in "bike", a bike will be created in the level, you character can ride it, and it has all the real life physics we come to know and love. Now many people then thought of the amount of perverted things that could be done with the game, but the developers said they didn't include and curse words or anything selection.

Well that's not the only thing they missed. When the ESRB got their hands on this game to rate it, they found a few weird things which made them give it a "Everyone 10+" or "E10+." The main thing they said was that if you type in two words at the same time, they both appear and have similar properties of each other. THe example they used was they type in "baby" and "steak" and a baby holding a steak appeared. Then they type in lion and a lion appeared, walked over to the baby and steak, and ate both of them. Because of the act of "baby eating," they gave the rating one step above "E."

I understand why they gave the rating what it is, but do they have to make public the fact that you can have lions eat babies to the public? If this game is meant for everyone, then you have to be really screwed up in the head to even think about having a lion eat a steak baby, not to mention the fact that they idea of entering two items at once wasn't even made public in the first place. With people knowing you can entering two items at once with this outcome, this can lead to worse discoveries but we will have to wait to find out the rest of these.

iPhone Games Hits 13,000

It's no mystery that the iPhone and iPod Touch Apps Store has exploded with games, something Apple didn't anticipate. But exactly how many are there? Most analysts believe there are over 13,000 games and one look on the App Store will not change your mind. It was also estimated that there were only 6,000 last March. That means there was over 7,000 gaming apps submitted within 3-4 months, and with the App Store just turning 1 year now, that means a lot of games are sure to come. But is it a good thing that there are this many games available?

One comparison to the amount of games on the iPhone is the same thing that happened on the Wii. The first couple of years, the Wii got a lot of "crap-ware" or games that were made just for a quick buck and had no real quality game play. Few games that were considered "crap-ware" at the time like Cooking Mama and Carnival Games manged to be diamonds in the rough, selling a lot and becoming popular. But the fact still stands that there are a lot of under developed games on the Wii and the same for the iPhone. One reason that I believe the "crap-ware" will stay on the iPhone App Store for a longer period of time is because anyone can download the tools to create an iPhone game, it's very low risk, and it only costs $100 for a year to become a developer. Basically the $100 means you can put as many games as you want on the App Store for a year. Compared to other gaming platforms, $100 a year is nothing. The other problem with the crap-ware on the iPhone is that people can make their game free, which means it doesn't matter if it sells good or bad, they will continue to make games because they aren't interested in money.

What is good is that it's easier to find reviews about the iPhone games than other platform's download content. With the amount of sites that have a special section for only iPhone Games and that iTunes uses the same commenting system on games they do on songs will help people find the better games out there.

People Moving Away from Consoles

ComScore has released gaming numbers of recent months and they are staggering. The first report shows that online gaming is up 22% year over year from May 2008 to May 2009. The other number is that console revenue is down 23%. It's also estimated that for the second quarter of 2009, console game sales, will be down by 20%. Is this a coincidence?

What these numbers say is that people are moving away from consoles to PCs for online gaming. It's no surprise because the online game play and setup on PC is further along than consoles are. The other thing is that many people who own a console also own a computer and more people own a computer than a console. Both give reason as to why the amount of gaming is decreasing on consoles and online play is up. It all has to do with money. People don't want to buy a console if they have a computer to start gaming. The other thing is that Steam has a great selection of games, they have deals on popular games about once a week, and it's online system just works. These number not only show the usability of a PC but how companies have a lot more freedom on PCs when it comes to prices and implimentation with others.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Gundam lands (perfectly) on Japan's Home Central Plaza

With Japan's ultra popular Gundam Franchise turning 30, what better way to celebrate than to build a 1:1 scale replica of one of the originals? Lets just say Japan is very dedicated to this kind of thing.

Apparently it doesn't stop there either, Bandai Namco has to make sure EVERY Japanese citizen is aware that Gundam is turning 30. That's why they also through a giant Gundam in the middle of Japan's Playstation Home. That's right, Japan's central plaza in PS Home now comes with a temporary giant Gundam model that just stands their looking pretty while it gives fanboys boners from the comfort of their own homes.

Having a Gundam fetish, a Japanese PSN account and access to Japans Playstation Home, I visited Japans Home and fell into awe. While the only interaction with the Gundam is standing next to it, dancing next to it, and running around/under it, you can also access a camera mode that allows you to move it around the Gundam. The camera allows you to get nice and close to look at the super fine details which is really cool because the detail on the model is phenomenal.

If I had to complain about something it's probably the lack of a picture taking option. While this is usually the last thing you would think Home needs, for something as cool as a limited time giant robot, you would think being able to take pictures would be an option. While personally I would rather see a real 1:1 Gundam in Japan or maybe even a functional Gundam's I can settle with this Home version. I definitely recommend checking it out if you can, it's just really cool!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Game review: MadWorld

Madworld....let me first start this by saying that it is fun to a point. That point ends as soon as you pass the first few hours and the mass of bloodshed that you once found extremely entertaining becomes bland. There is is at least enough in this game to keep you interested, the commentators bring in a kind of fun chatter to this bloodbath

The story is a little uninspiring, something I'm sure can be thought up with not too much planning. The masses of bloodshed in this game are quite enough for any kid in their early teens, and this game is so ridiculous that it seems as if it is aimed toward that audience with the exception that it is a mature title. I don't know too many people over 18 that would get extremely excited over this and I am not one of them

The black and white style used in this game was a nice touch and contributes a nice contrast with all the blood spurting out of the enemies. Speaking of enemies there is no challenge there except for the occasional bigger baddie that they throw at you and of course the bosses which take a surprising amount of skill to defeat 

The gameplay is interesting, and i suppose there is something therapeutic about ripping people apart with chainsaws and whatnot. And finding new ways to kill enemies is fun, but the gameplay does not have staying power. You may find yourself getting bored and just using the chainsaw or the same exact tire sign spike combo that you are shown at the beginning of the game

Overall this is an ok game, far from the blockbuster "mature" game for the wii. I believe it is worth a try, but by no means is it worth the full asking price

Before Judging Left 4 Dead 2...

Before Judging Left 4 Dead 2...

Valve has been saying not to judge their new upcoming game Left 4 Dead 2, planned to release this November, until they've "put all their cards on the table".

Reading the interview posted on Strategy Informer, Valve is stating that with this new release, players will not need to "abandon" the original Left 4 Dead. The game itself will exist as a "second chapter" of the original, so that both will be able to be intertwined.

With all the releases so far about the game of Left 4 Dead 2, the newest one was the release of one of the new weapons, "the cricket bat". With promise of new special zombies, new weapons, and new characters seems to have gotten a lot off people who are faithful to the original Left 4 Dead all up and at it, but Valve continues to leak new information about the game, which quite frankly, I'd be willing to try to play it.

If Valve can successfully create Left 4 Dead 2 to be played in sync with the first Left 4 Dead, and without much complications and glitches, I think it will be a good addition to the game. I mean as much as you can play Left 4 Dead, new ingredients to the mix is never bad.

Valve also states that even though that the new L4D is coming out, they will not be neglecting updates and such on the original.

However, Valve also brought up how they would integrate them into consoles, and state that L4D will not be available for the PS3 and will remain on the XBox360 because of the complications with putting it on the system, as they have gone on record stating.

I guess it's just down to, can you survive the next Zombie Apocalypse?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Graphics on the Wii

This one really isn't a story, but what a Wii would look like in HD. Someone created a Wii emulator on a PC which can run Wii software a lot faster. This image was Mario Galaxy run through an emulator but was upscaled to 720p. Now the article this comes from clearly states that the Wii can't support HD video but it's just amazing to look at how well Wii Games can look at this resolution.

Pirate Bay Goes Legit

The Pirate Bay has been known for the go to place for illegal content. After 4 of the 7 founder members got sued and throw in jail, the Pirate Bay has been bought by a Swedish business company Global Gaming Factory X. Their plans for the Pirate bay are to make it a legal, downloading service in which you pay for the content. It is unsure as of now weather you pay by download or for a months worth of service. With the money, Factory X says they will give a portion of it to gaming companies.

The idea of paying for something that use to be free does not sit well with anyone. What most companies don't understand is that there a lot of people who download files just for the sake of downloading and don't actually use the content. Having to pay for this service is something that the people who used the Pirate Bay before won't go for because they are used to getting the content for free. The Pirate Bay was only a portal to downloading illegal content. There are other ways people will get illegal content and getting rid of the Pirate Bay won't help with piracy rates.

Ads on the XBOX360

With Microsoft constantly updating the XBOX360 Interface, it’s only a matter of time before people want to get in on that action. Well the time is come. Microsoft has announced that there will be advertisements on Dashboard soon. The Dashboard is the interface that you use to access everything on your system like games, downloads, the marketplace, and your data.

Although Microsoft has said that the ads won’t be in the way, the idea of ads being on a paid service is annoying. For the ads to update, you need to be online. Most people that are online have the gold subscription that costs $50. If they allow ads, then this price should be significantly reduced or have the gold membership be free. Looking at the picture, that ad looks very annoying especially at how big it is. With marketing like that, the Gold Membership better be free.

Starcraft 2 Has no LAN

With the anticipation of Starcraft 2 for the past year or so, people have been bugging Blizzard about what will be in the game and what wont be. To the disappointment and shock of most, Blizzard has recently confirmed that there will be on LAN (Local Area Network) play. What LAN play allows you to do is play a friend who is on a computer that is on the same router as you without going out on the internet. The reason why LAN was so popular back when Starcraft, the original, was out is because the internet was slow so getting together to play over a network was a more appealing choice.

Although people are annoyed that there is no LAN play, they probably won’t care about it that much once people start playing. The internet is fast enough now that playing over the internet won’t give gameplay that much lag. But even if people want to still get together, they can. Its not like you can play each other on one computer. Each player still needs a copy of the game and their own computer. Although the lack of of LAN disappoints most, I think that it won’t bother many people once they get their hands on it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Monster Hunter Unite:Quick Review

Capcom's Monster Hunter series is a monster of itself in Japan. With release of Monster Hunter 2ndG in Japan (basically an expansion of the 2nd PSP title) the game sold more PSP's and the game sold 1.5 million copies last year in March with a BIG number for a PSP game let alone any game. It has become a phenomenon to the Japanese culture.

Now with the game fully translated and in stores in the US and across Europe, Capcom is trying very hard to get obtain the same influence through advertisements and demos. The first two PSP Monster Hunters were direct ports of the PS2 versions that came out years ago but with some added content. The games sold slightly decent in America but that Monster fever did not exist, which hunt the game in itself.

Monster Hunter Unite (and the ones before it) premise is simple. Hunt monsters, carve them, build weapons/ armor and repeat. The formula is extremely addictive and works best with other people. One pull into the game is that experience points and levels do not exist in this game. Rather than tedious quests that you find in typical MMO's that mean nothing to you; you get quests that have concrete purpose which is to go out in the field and kill monster's so you can carve them. It makes the game feel more engaging and no quest really feels like a waste of time (unless you have a high caliber armor and weapon and you are hunting little raptors that once gave you trouble.(at that point it just feels satisfying to kill them))

Monster Hunter Unite is an adhoc multilayer game before a single player game which is good because this game relies on teamwork. The most satisfying thing is hunting a giant monster with 3 other friends and take it down together before it takes you out. This is probably the strongest point about this game. Everyone plays a part. You have to rely on each other for help and coordinate with each other to take out monsters. It is extremely satisfying when you complete a hard mission and go to carve your prey.

The graphics in this game are absolutely stunning. The environment feels real and never gets old to look at, the character models, weapons and armor are simply astounding in their design, and lastly the monsters are distinct, diverse and simply awesome to look at as you run away from them.

If your new to Monster Hunter, choosing the weapon(s) that is right for you is no easy task. Every type of weapon in the game is diverse and all have their strengths and weaknesses. For example, my Long Sword trades defense for a long reach, power, and a special power up boost when I fill up a bar. Where the Lance trades speed, and wide attacks for a powerful defensive position, piercing damage and a charge move. The player can also change what type of weapon to wield (between missions) which is useful for certain monsters where a particular weapon would be useless or would bring disadvantages to the user. Armor also plays a role in the type of weapon you weild, if you want to use a melee weapon then you buy “Blademaster” armor. If you want to use a \projectile weapons you can only use “Gunner” armor. The differnce between Blademaster and Gunner armor is that Blademaster obviously has more defense but it's elemental stat buffs tend to be weaker and vise versa for Gunner armor.

Now on the negatives. MH biggest problem is it's learning curve. It is easier for one to get in the game with another person, but if your new and by yourself climbing the learning curve is not easy. While this is mainly because people don't go THROUGH the entire TUTORIAL which is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!! Because the game doesn't push you to complete it all if your new, it can leave players with the “what am I suppose to do? How do I do this?” feeling which can instantly turn off a person from a game. Next is the controls. While to a veteran like myself, they are fine to new players it's a learning curve of itself, While the camera is simple to fix to get behind you sometimes you need to have different angles which is difficult if your on the move because to manually move the camera around you need to use the D-pad. While it is manageable to say the least it can also turn off a new player. Lastly the biggest problem. The singleplayer. While the multiplayer is near flawless, the singleplayer suffers because the game is built for multiplayer and going on a Kut-Ku quest for the first time by yourself is damn scary and difficult. In this PSP version they have added a Cat ally to help you fight but, its still not a replacement for a living human to communicate with. While it too is manageable it is by no means the “way to play.”

My final thoughts is that if your a veteran to the series you will love it, if your new you will either love the game or hate it. My recommendation for new players is to try to find other people to play with. If that fails I feel that its still worth a buy because as long as you climb the curve you will be fine and it becomes loads of fun.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Sony PS3 Rumored to Change

Now, a lot of people know that Sony's Playstation 3 was the least selling of the three next generation systems, mainly because of its high expensive costs. From the get-go, this system could effectively run Playstation 2 games, which required a PS2 chip to be placed inside the PS3, which made it able to read PS2 discs; however, this also increased the price greatly.

Now, SUPPOSEDLY, there is to be another fully backwards compatible PS3 in the makings. Since the system's cutbacks on PS2 compatability in recent models, not as many people are buying them as well. Part of the reason they did do this was because of the increased cost by creating the emulation and to fix any emulation problems with the number of PS2 discs that could not be played.

Sony Corporations is in also rumored to be in production of a PS3 Slim that will hopefully hitting the market relatively soon, most places are saying July or August. The actual PRICE of the PS3 is supposed to be knocked down in August, so the bringing up of this product would make some sense if it does actually happen.

(Note: Someone MADE this picture... It's not the real thing)

(Supposed picture of this product)

Now, regardless what Sony actually does with the PS3 is becoming a mystery all in itself. Personally, as much as a Playstation 3 Slim would make it easier for transport, I'm not quite sure how exactly performance wise that would run. It also would probably have VERY limited space for much of anything. The pictures I've seen of this "product" looks like it's going to be about half the size of the Playstation 3 now. Where did all those other important parts go??

Backwards compatability SOUNDS awesome in theory and I wish they did NOT get rid of it in the first place, but unless they fixed the bugs, I don't think they should bring it back out. Plus, if their emulation software from this PS2 chip increased the price, they better have made it so that it'd keep the price down this time or they'll have the same problems they did when it first came out. The 60GB PS3 that first came out works wonders, and if they had just continued to make it like that and were able to fix the issues and cost issues, they will easily be able to sell more of these.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

PS2 games on PS3 again?

Remember the good old days when the PS3 was able to play PS2 games? Well that might be coming back. Last December, Sony patented a software technology that would allow the PS3 chip to translate data on PS2 disks. In early versions of the PS3, to achieve backwards compatibility they put a chip from the PS2 into the PS3 which made the cost of the PS3 high.

Having a software solution allows them to update every PS3 with a new firmware for PS2 backwards compatibility. This is smart move for Sony because now it gives everyone the chance to play old games without paying the premium for the extra chip set. The ability to not play PS2 games is definitely a source for unsold PS3s and this will surely turn around the market for Sony.

There has been no public announcement form Sony saying this will happen, but based on the patent, there is no other reason why they tried to get this through the office.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Lost Planet 2 Demo under the snow?

Lost Planet 2 has a winter release date. The game is shaping up to out due its predecessor with it's new co-op mode and customization. The first Lost Planet came out for the Xbox 360 and slowly popped up on the PC and Playstation 3. People had mix feelings about Lost Planet, but overall it was a pretty good game.

Capcom's Jun Takeuchi, the producer of Lost Planet 2, thinks a demo is possible and could be soon.
"I think we might be able to offer it [demo] in a little bit. Taking the E3 feedback account, the game is changing daily," (Famitsu) However what platform the demo would be for is still obviously unknown. Chances are we can assume it will be for Xbox 360.


Friday, June 26, 2009

The Conduit

Let’s get this out of the way first, this is not by any means an epic game. In fact there are some things that don’t work that have been in other shooters for years. That said, what this game promised us, it delivers. This has the best graphics on the Wii, best controls for the Wii, and I also believe the best sound in a game for the Wii.

Let’s start with the graphics. I played this game on a 46” 1080p HD TV and even though the Wii resolution is only 480p, the graphics look stunning. You can definitely tell that the image is being stretched but once you get into the game, you hardly notice it. Weapons look amazing, reload animations look even better, and the enemies really feel alive. Like most games, wall textures don’t look as good as everything else. But overall this game has the best graphics on the Wii.

Next are the controls. You have full customization over everything from vertical and horizontal speed, run speed, and bounding box. The bounding box is the area in the middle of the screen in which the crosshairs can move without moving your point of view which allows you to choose your own settings on how fast you turn. Besides those controls, every button is customizable which, being on the Wii, is nice because a lot of people complain that the Wii controls never work. So if you don’t like the controls, you have nothing complain about.

What I thought the really surprise me was the sound. The sound is fantastic, and I don’t just mean the music. The sound effects and the ambiance provided for an amazing atmosphere. The other thing that most games don’t have is directional sound (sound coming from a direction) and this game implements it beautiful.

Having said all that, there are flaws, not big ones, but they are noticeable. There was one time where I turned a corner and I could see right through the walls for a second. I tried to jump over a barrel, landed in the barrel, and manage to die because I keep taking damage. Some areas seem to have more health packs and the following areas have none. Another big flaw is that at times the AI seemed incredible dumb. I only noticed it at the beginning of the game, but as time went on it was fine. My problem was that I would creep up onto a wall look just past it, and I could see an enemy looking straight at me, but as long as I had part of the wall covering me, he didn’t even move. I used this mechanic many times just to kill enemies before I got ambushed. Annoying, but effective.

My finally conclusion to single player is that this is mediocre at best. This is not the life changing shooter people may have been raving about. But where this game does shine is in multiplayer.

If there is any reason to buy this game, it’s the multiplayer. Its the only first person shooter game on the Wii that has 12 players at once. Compared to other games on other consoles, this is nothing to brag about, but that fact that the Wii has had just the worst multiplayer ever allows this game to shine. The other thing is that most of the levels are somewhat small so having 12 players never feels lonely. One thing I did notice is that the graphics take a hit when playing online, but the end result reminds me of Unreal Tournament, the first one from 2000. This doesn’t bother me because it all blends very nicely and gives it a nice nostalgic look without being pixelated.

One innovative thing that High Voltage Software (Developers of the game) did do was how you choose match types. Before you go to a server, you can pick between three different categories which boil down Death Match, Team Match, or Team Objective and each one explains exactly what they are. Death Match is every man for himself, Team Match put you on a Team, and Team Objective is always a form of Capture the Flag (CTF). Once you pick that, you join a server. Beyond that you enter a lobby (unless there is already a game in session in which you go to the lobby after the match ends) and you actually vote on 3 different things: Match Type; Weapon Type; Level. In Match Type, each Game type has a few categories, most of which are similar. There’s timed matches, kill limit matches, the basics. One mode in particular though is in Death Match where you are giving a player to kill, and you can only kill that player. What is new to this is that once the timer for voting runs out, it picks at random what was selected to be played for the map. This means that the more an option is voted the more likely it is to be played.

Although the severs seemed a little laggy and sometimes where hanging when I tried to connect, they will probably work out all the bugs within the next couple of weeks.

Final Verdict: Must buy but only for multiplayer. The career mode is not worth the $50

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Guitar Hero Flu: The Epidemic

Yea I'm just going to rant right here about how sickening Guitar Hero has become. Hey don't turn around because you might get smacked in the face by another version of Guitar Hero. These versions are new games in the same way that dressing up your younger sibling in drag and giving them a new name of the opposite sex makes them a new person. Thats right, the only differences they contain from their counterparts are a few new songs. Congratulations Activision, you can mass produce disks excuse me if that isn't enough motivation for me to become bulimic with my money and purge all my money on your products.

Oh and thats another thing, the products. Guitar hero world tour's peripherals were so laughably faulty they were more likely to break than to work. Oh and if you wanted to get a replacement? You had to pay, Activision couldn't be bothered with such minor details as quality control

What do you want? Guitar hero Metallica, Van Halen,Aerosmith, greatest hits, hell why don't you just get them all? Oh maybe you aren't a fan of one of these bands....damn that just limits the amount of people that will buy the game, but thats ok Activision is just having a fun time skull f*** us with all of it's cutting edge music destroying games

Thats all for now, next week MADWORLD. Can you guess who i'm going to envision ripping apart with chainsaws?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

BURN ZOMBIE BURN! for Playstation 3

One of the good games on the Playstation Network has to be Burn Zombie Burn

Not too many people know about this awesome game. It's a simple shooter game that you can play either one player or co-op; however, I recommend co-op. It's pretty hard to do all by yourself. Unfortunately, it's one of those games that you have to do the one player to get new levels and such.

The basic point of the game is just to survive for as long as you can with whatever weapons they dish out. You get bonuses for using a certain weapon for a length of time, and the name derives from the fact the more zombies you have on fire, the higher your score. Each level also has a special "button" that does certain things, like a space ship comes and abducts zombies, a holy light disintegrates them, rain falls from the sky and puts out fire, etc. They also implement a plethora of
different types of zombies to throw you off your game if you're doing a specific type of technique or weapon, so you have to be able to run quickly and adapt yourself. For example, you could be using a chain saw and then all of a sudden exploder zombies pop up that if you get too close OR hit them, they explode in your face. It also has other modes, such as having to save your girlfriend from being eaten by zombies.

This game has been out for almost a year, so if you haven't tried it, it's $9.99 on the Playstation Network and good for those long boring hours you have with friends. So try it out if you haven't, or if you have play it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Play Station Eye: To Much Motion?

Sony released their idea of what motion control should be at this years E3. In short, it was the same principle as cinematic “Mo Cap” (Motion Capture): a camera tracks balls that give off a special kind of light (usual IR) and then a computer is able to distinguished the movement. Basically the way Sony uses it is that the IR is on the controller and a camera near your TV can pick up movements. With the horsepower of PS3, it is able to track movements very precisely and quickly.

But the problem is do we want that much realism in our games not to mention buying new controllers? The Uncanny Valley is basically how creepy humans think something is when it becomes too life like and it seems that video games are started to head that way. With motion controls and extremely High Definition graphics, I think we’re going to reach the point we’re we are basically playing our lives on screen if we haven’t already. The Wii was definitely a stepping stone towards motion controls but it might have been all we needed. PS3 seems to precise to be practical for gaming and Project NATAL lacks haptic feedback.

Although Sony’s Motion Captures Technology (titled “PS EYE”) was shown off as being able to do some amazing stuff when it comes to shooters, strategy games, and overall realism when it comes to wielding items in hand (e.i. Swords, Whips, Baseball Bats), if this isn’t as real as we can get, it sure is damn close. One major reason the Wii hasn’t been good for shooters is because no one wants to be standing up holding their hands out in front of them pretending its a gun pointed at the TV for hours on end. It’s just strenuous and kind of pointless to be in alone doing it.

On the other hand, Project NATAL showed some interesting new ideas for motion control like the 3-d Break Out. But Are motion controls going to ever hit the hardcore gamer? It seems like the type of games hardcore gamers play are just too complex to insert motion controls with practicality.

Monday, June 22, 2009

GTA: Chinatown Wars coming to a PSP near you!

So Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is hitting the PSP. GTA: Chinatown Wars came out for the Nintendo DS last year and was well received for it's graphic style, and most importantly it went back to it's predecessors and became a birds eye view game. This isn't the first time a GTA series that has been on a portable, the PSP received two versions which brought you back to Liberty City and Vice City and played much like GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas. Both of them had full voice acting and a fresh story and did fairly well.

Exciting as it may be for PSP fans, you can't help but wonder how Rockstar and TakeTwo Interactive are going to go about emulating a game that was built from the ground up for the Nintendo DS. GTA: Chinatown Wars used a fair amount of touchscreen interaction and most likely hit the limits of the Nintendo DS. In terms of hardware and disk space, the PSP is far superior to the DS. Is Rockstar/TakeTwo going to just make a direct port and just change the touchscreen parts to button pushing? Or will they make it a “directors cut” and add more content, full voice acting and do some graphical changes? So far Rockstar and TakeTwo have had a great track record when it comes to this generations portables, and it would be a shame if Chinatown Wars isn't as good as it could be. While there is no release date yet, the article does mention that it will be available for the PSP Go as well as regular PSP systems.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Digital Distribution

Digital Distribution is what the future holds. GameStop doesn’t think so though and they are planning to stay around for a while. People at GameStop also believe that once Digital Distribution is an option, that only 25% of their customers will have fast enough internet speeds to consider the option. GameStop doesn’t see what is right in front of them, people have been buying more and more games from the downloadable service like Steam since the turn of the century, and it’s only growing in popularity. More and more companies are putting their games on Steam because of its ease of use and low piracy rates.

I think that Digital Distribution will be the future, but the people to really make that decision is the console makers. Nobody will every download full games made for the Wii because there just isn’t enough storage. I don’t mean Virtual Console games, I mean games that come with a physical case that has a Wii logo on it. Also with the XBOX 360, the average game takes up about 7gb if you include ripping the game to your hard drive and the data. This means with even the highest sold capacity for the XBOX 360, you can only have 17 games on it. For the PS3, the average game disk holds about 17gb of date (Blue Ray disks can hold up to 25gb) and they have a hard drive that is only 120gb which leads at about 7 games. It may seem like a lot, but hardcore gamers have a lot more than 7 or 17 games in disk form.

If Digital Distribution is the future, we need one of two things to happen. One is that consoles need to come with more storage. Computer hard drives these days are extremely cheap and consoles usual use the same kind of the hard drives. What would be cool is if you can swap hard drives in and out as you wanted. Like have an entire hard drive with your shooters on it and another with driving games. The ability to swap hard drives in and out with a loss of content would be a new feature to consoles.

The other thing that needs to happen for Digital Distribution to work is the same thing that Steam has had for years: An online account that keeps of a record of everything you buy. With steam, I can download a game and then delete it and still know that I can download it again without paying for it a second time. What’s even more forward thinking on Steam’s part is that you can’t have the same Steam Account logged in on two different computers at the same time. If you login to you Steam Account, it will logout the other computer if there is on with the same credentials logged in. This makes it tough for people to share a Steam Account. The only problem with copying the Steam model over to consoles is that I can make a backup of Steam games I have installed to CD or DVD. This is a problem for consoles because they can’t burn a disk.

The real question to this whole debate is will Digital Distribution take off for hardcore gamers? We gamers enjoy the feel of a new game, the satisfaction of being able to touch what we own, and to let our friends borrow the game. To me, nothing in the gaming world is better than to be able to touch the case of a game, to know that you own it and that no one can play it without your consent. Although I do like Steam and have close to about 30 (if not more) games from the service, I enjoy looking at my cases and ,especially, have them scattered around the house or in a book case to show off. I think this will be hard for the hardcore gamer to give up, and it might end up being that in the future there is downloadable games for the casual gamer and physically games for the gamer who need reassurance that they own it.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Activision Sticks It to Sony

Earlier today, Activision publicly announced that if Sony doesn’t change their ways, they would not make any new games for the PSP and the PS3. The reasons Activision stated were that:

-Sony makes it too hard to develop for their platforms

-Sony has made no attempt to bring down their prices to make their systems more mainstream

-Sony’s system licenses are too expensive.

This seems like a huge change for those who want to make games for the Sony platforms. If Sony doesn’t comply, it will lead to other companies following suit and only having first party games and very few new third party games on the console. This means that the PS3 will have a very small library and will probably flop. What Sony should do is change all 3 of these things. Making the platforms easier to developer for and licenses cheaper will entice more companies to developer games. Making the system cheaper will give more reason to make the games for the system so that their games spread.

If Sony wants to actually make money on this console cycle, they would be wise to agree to Activision’s demands. They way Activision put it, it seems this will be make or break for Sony.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Review of Tales of Symphonia 2: Dawn of the new world

Let me start this review by saying I was wearing rose colored glasses coming into this game. The first Tales of Symphonia for the GameCube was so spectacular that it currently resides at number two in my all time favorites. But enough of my verbal jacking off of Namco and on to the review.

First of all is the gameplay which is as good if not better than the first. While it is an RPG it certainly does not have that feel. TOS2 has a free range battle system that lets you run around the battlefield slashing at your enemies with various skills that become gradually more powerful as you grow in level. Leveling up seems rewarding because you gain some great abilities (some are more hidden than others) and you can just hump enemies into submission who you once barely lived through. Of course there are different playable characters in battles with their own unique abilities. One drawback is that you aren't really doing too much when you aren't battling, sure there are a few puzzles, but they are more like the ages 5-10 that take 1 minute to complete....and have 3 pieces to them. The monster element was an interesting gimmick, that quite frankly they could have done better, but at least there is reason to level them up as they can get a whole lot stronger than any of the minor characters in the story who are stupidly capped at level 50 so by the second play through they are useless. The Wii controls aren't utilized at all, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, too much of that would have made the combat suck. Despite these setbacks the gameplay is so immersive you will be bumping into enemies all the time to get into the battles.

Next of course will be the story. While others may criticize it, it was really easy for me to get into. I think it was mostly because I had played and loved the first one. Despite the translation problems the characters are really endearing, though they are a bit frustrating because they are flat at times. But most of the time you are so into the story that you will want to keep going through the game to see what happens next. The story is basically a nostalgic trip through the TOS world so as such you eventually meet up with the old characters who help your characters Emil and Marta try to save the world, There are some very good twists that you won't see coming and sure some painfully crappy moments, but overall I think the story is strong.

The graphics....well they look like GameCube graphics. They may be a little tweaked, but they don't really add anything or take anything away from the game. I like to think the graphics fit the game, but I would also like to see SOME sort of improvement. The levels also aren't that masterful, sure but they are fun and add an element of exploration to your quest. That’s about all I’m going to say on that topic

As far as re-playability, there is plenty of it here. I'm sure there are plenty of events and secrets you won't find on the first play through. This game contains a good number of side quests, and even a dungeon that does not appear on the first play through. That’s probably the first time I've seen something like that and it does keep the game from getting stale and smelling like rotting fish. There is also a shop at the end of the game that lets you transfer your data over to a new game to make things easier for all of you pack rats. And then of course there are multiple difficulties for you to test your level of nerdom.

That’s about it for the review, overall it is a good game, and sure it has its flaws but what game now doesn't?

Now excuse me I'm taking a 168 hour break