Thursday, July 9, 2009

Game review: MadWorld

Madworld....let me first start this by saying that it is fun to a point. That point ends as soon as you pass the first few hours and the mass of bloodshed that you once found extremely entertaining becomes bland. There is is at least enough in this game to keep you interested, the commentators bring in a kind of fun chatter to this bloodbath

The story is a little uninspiring, something I'm sure can be thought up with not too much planning. The masses of bloodshed in this game are quite enough for any kid in their early teens, and this game is so ridiculous that it seems as if it is aimed toward that audience with the exception that it is a mature title. I don't know too many people over 18 that would get extremely excited over this and I am not one of them

The black and white style used in this game was a nice touch and contributes a nice contrast with all the blood spurting out of the enemies. Speaking of enemies there is no challenge there except for the occasional bigger baddie that they throw at you and of course the bosses which take a surprising amount of skill to defeat 

The gameplay is interesting, and i suppose there is something therapeutic about ripping people apart with chainsaws and whatnot. And finding new ways to kill enemies is fun, but the gameplay does not have staying power. You may find yourself getting bored and just using the chainsaw or the same exact tire sign spike combo that you are shown at the beginning of the game

Overall this is an ok game, far from the blockbuster "mature" game for the wii. I believe it is worth a try, but by no means is it worth the full asking price

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