Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Netflix On Other Systems

According to a Gamespot article, Netflix has hired a new person for the title of “Head of Gaming Platforms.” John Judge, the newly hired, was offered a job by Netflix and it is assumed he will be leading the project of getting Netflix onto the remaining two consoles. Based on his background, as being the co-founder of a company that went on to help develop the Wii Motion Plus and the Sony Motion Controller, Netflix wants him for his background.

But does Netflix really need to be on the other two platforms? It doesn't seem that there are enough people that own a PS3 that it would be worth at this point in time and the internet on the Wii is spotty at best. Not to mention that the type of person that spends most of there time in the front of the TV with all their media ready at hand is usual the XBOX 360. Although the PS3 has more media capabilities than the other two, people that own the PS3 don't seem the type to be spending all day in front of it.

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