Friday, June 19, 2009

Activision Sticks It to Sony

Earlier today, Activision publicly announced that if Sony doesn’t change their ways, they would not make any new games for the PSP and the PS3. The reasons Activision stated were that:

-Sony makes it too hard to develop for their platforms

-Sony has made no attempt to bring down their prices to make their systems more mainstream

-Sony’s system licenses are too expensive.

This seems like a huge change for those who want to make games for the Sony platforms. If Sony doesn’t comply, it will lead to other companies following suit and only having first party games and very few new third party games on the console. This means that the PS3 will have a very small library and will probably flop. What Sony should do is change all 3 of these things. Making the platforms easier to developer for and licenses cheaper will entice more companies to developer games. Making the system cheaper will give more reason to make the games for the system so that their games spread.

If Sony wants to actually make money on this console cycle, they would be wise to agree to Activision’s demands. They way Activision put it, it seems this will be make or break for Sony.

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